Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kindergarten - Color Math and Sweet Little Birds

We strive to have every Art class be as fun and exciting as possible.. however, there are certain projects that just make me step back and remember how awesome of a job I truly have. This is one of those projects.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned through teaching is that sometimes I need to step back and let the kids' creativity take over. They always amaze me with the incredible things they come up with!

This project took two days to complete.

Day 1

First, we read the book "Little Blue and Little Yellow", one of my favorites!

We then learned about the primary and secondary colors by doing "Color Math".
 Students not only mixed yellow and blue to get green, but experimented with adding more yellow to get a lighter tint of green. Oh, there are so many colors we can make!

We ended our first class by printing circles onto our paper using cups dipped in paint - this was fun  - and messy!

Day 2

Bird time! We reviewed color mixing and then practiced drawing birds on scrap paper... what body parts should we include, how might a bird look if he was flying/walking/standing.

We then drew the birds on our good paper.. oh they are so cute! I loved how everyone's birds had their own personalities!

Here are a few finished birdies... more to come on Monday!

One of the sweetest things about this project was the kids singing, humming and chirping as they drew their birds. :)