Critique & Smoothies
What a wonderful, creative, highly motivated, FUN quarter this has been in our 7th & 8th Painting Elective! We ended the quarter with a final critique, celebrating all of the work made over the past 10 weeks. I also brought in my blender and we made smoothies.
Why Critique -
Throughout the quarter, students engaged in mid-project and end of project critiques. Although they are always encouraged to discuss artwork with peers, critiques are designated times to present, share, collaborate, comment, encourage and celebrate everyone’s work. At the 7th and 8th grade level, critiques are student-led as one person shares their process, their inspiration, and next steps, others then comment, pulling from a vast artistic vocabulary. The environment created through critiques is inviting and encouraging of peer suggestions, while maintaining trust and freedom to express individual aesthetics. It is quite a sight to see middle school students talk about their work and the work of others with such a high level of care towards one another!
Why Smoothies -
They are nutritious and delicious.
As a side note, smoothies became a popular topic of discussion this quarter as several students played the daily game of "what's in Amy's smoothie".
Next quarter's elective .... Mud & Fire!!