Contour - continues line - drawings are a great way to learn about proportion, detail... and getting over the fear of "ugly drawings".
Day one of contour drawings students do "blind contours" - where they aren't looking at their paper at all - just the object they are drawing - in our case, hands.
I had the kids put their sketchbooks inside paper grocery bags to prevent any sneaky peakers... and create a hilarious moment of reveal when we all took our drawings out of the bag at the same time.
"Ugly drawings" were made by all... and strength in numbers made it okay - and took away the fear of having a drawing not turning out as good as someone else's. We grew to love our ugly drawings, and embrace their differences and pay attention to how much detail we could capture in each one.
And you know what happened to our beloved ugly drawings the more of them we made... they became beautifully detailed sophisticated drawings... and we were also okay with that!
Students each chose 4-5 of their favorite drawings to transfer using graphite paper.
We then drew 2 horizontal and two vertical lines to break up the empty space and used watercolor to paint the background.
And here we have it!